Friday, September 28, 2012

Costume Contest Fun!

Every year my family has a Halloween Bash. New this year is a costume contest, which I have been put in charge of (yay!) First step was to come up with categories and figure out how to judge it. I have decided that there will be ballots and everyone will vote, and all kids 10 and under will get a prize regardless (more on this coming soon!)
I decided on 3 categories, Best Men's Costume, Best Women's Costume, and Best Couples Costume. I may do more later, but I was itching to get started.
First I scoured pinterest for prize ideas and, with a few in mind, headed off to the dollar store and wally world.
Total: Just over $8.00
First off I took apart the skeleton garlands and cut at the shoulders and elbows so I could bend them to my will. Then I had to search the entire house for my hot glue gun. Luckily, I found it hidden in my husbands art box.

Glued. Also, don't forget to glue the hip joints, they are loose.
Next, the fun stuff. I took them all outside and spray painted them gold. Yeah, I'm totally going for a Oscar type theme here.

Back and Front
Now is when the fun began. While waiting for my awesome skeletons to dry, I cut up the foam headstone that I wanted to use for a base. Upon figuring out that it was white inside (I should have known that.) I decided that it would be cute to have the base gold, too.
 Bad Plan.
Did you know, Styrofoam melts when you spray paint it? I didn't. So much for that. Time to get creative. I searched my house and came up with:
Two old crystal light containers and a plastic yard sale bowl. I knew these things would come in handy someday. Win.
Two coats of paint later and.....
Viola. Awesomeness.
While drying my new and improved bases, I made ribbon sashes for my little guys.
How cute is that?!?!
And then hot glued the little guys to their new bases.
I decided at this point that the bases looked a little... hmm... plain. So I improvised again.
Hooray for sharpie!
And there you go. Super cute, $8.00 trophies!

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